Our Personal Training combines the equipment and exercises of a modern fitness studio with the latest findings in nutritional science and sports and movement medicine. The result is a healthy workout that is gentle on your joints yet highly efficient.
In our physical therapy practice we first do a Functional Movement Screen, in order to identify mobility or stability deficits and to be able to treat those with corrective exercises. After building a strong fundament we improve your condition (Strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility and explosive strength). From here we reassess your goals which can be to keep a higher status quo, body shaping or performance training for a certain type of sport. Our body is a collage of many pieces that need to move in sync. We train you so that all these pieces work in perfect harmony for proper movement.
In order to make your experience as enjoyable as possible, we offer different training variations. The first is a 1:1 Personal Training for the most intensive support for your individual goals. Because some things are better together we also offer partner training. Whether it’s with your significant other or best friend you can bet the fun factor will double. If you’re looking for the dynamic of group training then we offer circuit and kettlebell training in small groups of maximal four participants. This gives us the opportunity to give you the attention you need in order to train properly while paying a fraction of the cost of 1:1 training. The courses change on a weekly or monthly basis in order to challenge your body and your mind. Call us to make an appointment for a free trail session.
Individual training is the best choice for intensive personalized workouts. One-on-one training is equally suitable for beginners or competitive athletes. We chose the exercises based on your current training level, while continuously increasing your performance and minimizing the risk of an injury.
It’s more fun when we can share an experience with friends or our partner. We also offer our Personal Training as training for couples. So you cyn bond with your partner and work on your fitness level at the same time. We use the latest training methods such as EMS, Poweplate or TRX and monitor your training to avoid injuries and maximize the training effect.
Training in small groups of maximal four participants can be real fun. We offer circuit and kettlebell training as a base course, where each participant is completing an individual 60-minute program. Thereby we focus on your individual goals and needs such as mobility, spinal hygiene or sport related movement (golf, triathlon or tennis). The main advantage is the fun factor and group dynamic.
Ems is short for Electro-Muscle-Stimulation and is a trainings amplifier that has its roots in the physical therapy. Using low frequency electrical impulses, key muscle groups will be stimulated to contract with a greater force in order to obtain a greater training effect in a shorter amount of time for the whole body. Because the electrodes are symmetrically placed on your body, our system will bring balance between right/left and front/back for a better posture. With our wireless system you can move freely in- and outdoors without the need to wear wet clothes. We have programs for strength, stability, fat burner or an anti cellulitis for a smooth and toned skin.
Power Plate uses vibration waves to activate certain reflexes in the body and to stimulate the muscles. Without movement, the deep muscles are controlled. Muscle building works e.g. Against back pain, fat burning is stimulated, tensions in fascia is broken down, coordination is improved and even the skin benefits from the vibration. Combined with EMS, powerplate training is an unbelievable success.
Kettlebells have been around for hundreds of years and have been used to train the best soldiers and athletes. Because of the dynamic swinging motion, Kettlebells train the body in ways that conventional free weights can’t. From training the stability in the core (abdominal corset) to the mobility in the shoulder and hip, kettlebells provide the right stimuli that improve the body’s overall condition. Whether you want to strengthen your back to promote good posture, ramp up the metabolism to burn more fat or coordinate all body parts to work together for more athletic performance, kettlebells provide a challenging workout for both novice and expert.
TRX training was made popular by the navy seals that needed to stay fit when behind enemy lines. TRX provides a whole body training that leaves no muscle untrained using only gravity and your own body weight. TRX improves your stability and mobility while also working out your cardio vascular system and boosting your metabolism. The best part of all is that it makes a workout fun and challenging.
Aside from our main trainings-equipment we offer other alternatives such as medicine balls, stability balls, Viprs and clubbells. Which challenge the body in ways that you wouldn’t think possible. All the while keeping the fun factor alive.
Before we start training, we assess your mobility, stability and fundamental movement patterns. This tells us where to begin. Do you need special therapy, corrective exercises or can we start pushing limits? This lets us catch potential dysfunction in advance in order to prevent an injury which limits your progress. On the nutritional side we look at your eating habits and your body’s metabolism from a genetic stand point in order to find the best foods for a success weight management. Our biggest priority is your success which we insure by accompanying you every step of the way.